Tuesday, May 12, 2015

May 11th, 2015- So Full Of Yourself

Laurel is entering cat lady territory. It makes sense that she doesn't want Doug's help at the moment. She's too frustrated by the situation to get help. I hope she doesn't keep being this way because it's no fun. Either advance her actions or get her into more trouble. I have faith in the writing and acting because this has been top notch so far from both ends.

Leave it to Robert to apologize by insulting the other person. Classic narcissist. Who would go up to his estranged wife and tell her he's sorry but she should take him back because he's still awesome? WHO? Robert Sugden. That's who. Chrissy, who continues to call Robert out exactly as he is, response perfectly but giving him the option of being divorced now or later in front his family. Between that and Aaron rejecting his latest advance, it's not a good day for the blond psychopath. Did you see the face on Andy's face when Chrissy came into the bar and deliver the news? Genius.

Just as I thought a Chas/James reunion was inevitable, the show manages to surprise me and get Chas to say no to James' idea of a 2-week getaway to reconcile. Their breakup scene summarized their relationship- blah. Even the breakup was bland. I hope Chas sticks to her guns because this relationship was never good for the show. It always felt like the two were put together because they were single and around the same age.

All this of course makes Emma happy. She gets James to not reunite with Chas (for the moment) in hope she can swoop in and rekindle something from decades ago. Her new threat though is none other the person who brought her into Emmerdale- her son, Finn. This should play out interesting. She's never been tested by her opposition because she couldn't care less who they were. But now, it's her son. Her son who's actually pretty smart when it comes to anything besides his love life.

I got a question as to why the audience (I'm assuming most) is more taken with Robert than Emma since they have a very similar mindset and storyline. It's a rather good question. I had to think twice. I  think it's because of two reasons. One, there are more at stakes. Robert's lies and deceits involve more characters and the consequences of murder outweighs stealing a passport any day of the week. Second, we care more about who's involved in Robert's storyline than in Emma's. Robert is fighting for Aaron (a fan favorite) and Chrissy (a slow burning fan favorite) while Emma is gunning for James. Dull as bread James. Of course we care more.

Finally, Alicia's gungho at warning whoever Lachlan's next victim is. Going to Lisa to confirm Lachlan is not seeing Belle is smart and as much as Belle know what Lachlan doing is wrong, you can sense she sympathizes with him- which obviously displeased Lisa because nowadays a carton of spoiled milk seem to give that woman a heart attack. It's a very interesting angle to play at between Belle and Lachlan. Both bad crimes, one was an accident and both come from very supportive families even if their way of showing and protecting them cannot be more different. It's potential like these that gives me great hope about the next generation of Emmerdale residents. The younger crowd got game.

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