Thursday, April 30, 2015

April 29, 2015- The Break-In Cleaner

I can't believe Vanessa manages to tell Adam about her pregnancy first before telling Kirin. I get it, Kirin is playing everything up to be a joke but Adam!?! The guy who quickly dismissed you before calling you his cougar fix? Good job, Ness. I'm sure Adam is the sensible one.... sigh.

The whiplash I'm feeling within this storyline is insane. It was literally the previous episode that Vanessa was determined to have this abortion and how nothing can change her mind, and just one look at Marlon being chased around the swings and she's having an 180. Even more ridiculous is Rhona's position on it. She's almost doing the exact opposite of what a supportive friend does- constantly playing devil's advocate and making the other person feel bad about it.

If I hear one more person in "It's over" between Aaron and Robert, I'm going to vomit. They've said that to each other so many times that I don't believe either them mean it anymore when they say it... and it's starting to show that neither do they. That cheery and uppity Aaron in the container with Adam? What was he smoking before Adam got there? Because I want some.

I'm not sure what the purpose of throwing Laurel into that Jimmy/Bernice/Tracy fiasco is but it's hard to take a character from a character driven plot and insert her into a plot driven one- especially when it's being played for laughs. I can only assume Laurel won't get the job and it'll show her relapsing. Someone please give Jimmy (and heck, even Tracy- I need to know why she's around town) a good solid emotional story.

Quick note on Pearl and Edna. How dare Pearl yell at Vanessa about covering for her? Where's all that remorse she's going on about from a few weeks ago when she stole money from the vets? Edna. What are feeling your pet?

Your dog is always sick.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

April 28, 2015- The Cougar Fixation

Drunk Laurel's back! About time too, because things were starting to get cheery around Emmerdale (note sarcasm). I'm glad though, because her alcohol abuse hit a climax and then the show decided to halt it full stop by sending her away for 2 weeks. I seriously hope this isn't end of her problems simply I'd hate the solution to be played off screen. After all that the audience witness Laurel do in her spiral, I think we deserve a payoff shown to us. With or without Rhona's bug. Also, Ashley is in desperate need of a haircut.

Something about Aaron saying he's done with Robert that's not convincing me at all- even though Chas is delighted to hear so. Of course the sensible thing for Aaron to do is indeed be done with psychotic Robert, but I doubt the show will let this go that easily without another plot point. Something needs to happen before Aaron lets Robert go. There's definitely plenty of options, I'm just curious (and excited) to see which one. 

I absolutely love that Chrissy is saying what everyone think of Robert to his face. It's about time. Other villagers certainly tried to throw insults to Robert, but none are as accurate as Chrissy's lament. Her calling out Robert exploiting Lawrence's guilt? Bingo!

Oh Vanessa. I certainly wouldn't decide on an abortion seconds after a potential hurls an insult at you.  The ex-con thing... yeah, grounds to cause concern. Calling you a cougar who fixed his curiosity? Well, that doesn't warrant an abortion... just a punch in the face to the one who said it. Please go ahead, punch him- because no one would hold you back. Trust me.

If the show wants us to take Jimmy, Bernice or Tracy seriously, they'll need to us a serious storyline that at least have potential. While the Finn/Darren arc ended in disaster in entertainment measure, this one doesn't even suggests it'll go anywhere. I'd really hate to suffer through this for 2 weeks.

Monday, April 27, 2015

April 27, 2015- Preggers

It was literally a wild guess I had last week saying Vanessa is pregnant.... and here she is- preggers. I guess it's a naturally transgression for the storyline but I really hope we don't get dragged through 9 months of "Who's The Daddy?" with these three characters. While I can see why making Adam the father would make sense for the show that is desperate in trimming the cast, making Kirin the father allows that character be more connected to the overall fabric of the show. We'll see where this goes, if Vanessa ends up delivery a baby at all.

Now that's Finn's 2-week arc is over, it's time a new 2-week arc for someone else. This time, it's Tracy & Jimmy. It'll be brief, played for laughs and nothing will come of it unless Jimmy starts shacking up with Tracy (please, dear god, no). It'll sure be painful this show has never given Tracy anything worth while to do besides that brief romance with Andy when we saw a little bit of emotion from her besides aloof. Yes, I've judged on this based on one day of story but c'mon... who are we kidding?

Chrissy managed to kick Robert out of the house. I'm wondering about many things from this. First, what will Chrissy tell Lawrence about Robert's sudden departure? Second, having Robert and Aaron (who is still in crutches!?!?!) under the same roof will sure make things interesting- especially for Chas. Third, will Robert smooth talk his way back to Chrissy? This is by far the best storyline the show has going right now now that the Alicia/Lachlan arc is fading out. Let's hope it carries the weight until something else juicy comes along.

Mopey Ross is now hung up on Debbie? Is her vagina made of gold? I don't get it. I simply don't. But leave it to Emma to meddle. After this, she'll have interfered with all the Barton men's love lives.... save for Adam. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

April 24, 2015- Soggy Corn Flakes

Oh Debbie, if all you needed in a man was someone who would help your kid with his soggy corn flakes, no wonder you're so messed up in the romance department. This storyline between Debbie and Ross, that continues to come out of nowhere, took a huge leap tonight in getting Pete and Debbie engaged. Obviously this won't last because of... obvious. It's inevitable that Debbie and Ross will at least kiss before she manages to walk down the aisle of his brother, and then let's see where this goes. I don't think it'll tear up the Bartons apart since Ross and Pete were always on the verge of being in a full on fight, but seeing how the Dingles react would even be better. How can this self righteous family reason themselves to being the ones on their imaginary pedestal in something like this? So scandalous, they'd need to hire Olivia Pope.

Ross was certainly busy tonight, since he dropped a bomb on Chrissy about the fake robbery. Robert manages to confess about spending a little time denying everything. If Chrissy is going to react like that about the robbery, I don't even want to know how what she'd do when she finds out about Aaron. Isn't it strange that between all the lies Robert told, you can see him actually prioritizing his lies in the matter of how much it'd get him into trouble. The relief on his face when he realizes it's not about Aaron said a lot... about him and where this story is going.

It's nice seeing Vanessa and Kirin together, as predictable as all that's going to be. I have a feeling someone's going to be pregnant and we'll have a "Who's The Daddy?" story on our hands. If it's true, let's hope it's not Adam's, because sleeping with Adam and the fall out from that will probably be enough as is. This is one storyline I don't care to get more complicated. Also, I have a soft spot for Kirin... as much as he can be portrayed as a kid at times.

Lawrence should never be the ambassador for goodwill. Let's just leave it to the ladies. I want that bridge to be rebuild between Alicia and Chrissy and seeing how Alicia is slowly gaining her confidence back will surely help the matter. I just don't know Chrissy's head will be in that space at all now she's got more pressing issues to deal with.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

April 23, 2015- How Alicia Got Her Groove Back

Before moving on to the main event, let's talk about the side stories.

I finally realize who Joe Gill reminds me of. Jemaine Clement from 'Flight of the Conchords'. The look and the comedic timing, it's been bugging me for ages and finally came to me when Finn asked Val why she took so long before answering if he can be annoying. (By the way, the answer is yes. I like you, but I can't never date you). Now that the story with Darren has mercifully concluded, will we get a mopey Finn again? Because that will get old.

I have no real opinion about Alicia and David and their struggle to reconnected after the Lachlan incident. It just seems like a progression Alicia has to deal with and we're just watching with no real drama. It's not negative per se, in fact I do think this story beat is necessary before the show full on ignores it, but I was hoping it wasn't turned into a joke involving Leyla to get to this point. That scene between Alicia and Chrissy outside? Brilliant. Two hurt women dealing with other issues in their lives while not forgetting the past. This is the kind of thing Emmerdale can do so well. First between Lawrence and Edna yesterday and this today. Keep it up.

Now. Let's get down to it. This is the most attracted I've seen Robert has been to Chrissy since their arrival. He is actually both impressed and scared witnessing Chrissy's phone call to Mafia Don. It obviously serves a warning to what's to come when all his own secret comes out, but for now, you can see he was a little turned on by the whole thing- even if it involves Ross.

Ross dragging Debbie into this mess is an added bonus. I'm not against the show revisiting a possible Ross/Debbie romance, but in expense of Pete is pretty shameful. Also, didn't this come out of nowhere from Ross? Very little organic storytelling is there for plot driven stories to begin with, but this sudden confession of love from Ross to Debbie about running away with him? Yeah, it's a bit nutter and "pervy". She's in your mother's dress!

This won't end well for Debbie... or Ross.... or the entire White family. Mafia Don knows where you live. He's seen Debbie around before and obviously knows where Chrissy lives- not that she cares. She'll willing to get him out of the picture with no expense. I'm just wondering how long before Ross lets Chrissy in on Robert's previous plan and explode even more drama into the mix. I'm even excited as to how Ross and Debbie plays out. One thing I'm not looking forward to? The mafia coming to town.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

April 22, 2015- The Double Cross

Okay, this is getting better. Involving Ross into this thing with Mafia Don will no doubt inject some much needed life into the story. I also like how it's Chrissy pulling the trigger this time instead of Robert. I can only assume something will go wrong and it somehow comes back to haunt her... well, because it's a soap. At least they got Andy & Victoria to Robert's birthday drinks. Talk about a low stated affair.

I don't know how this show manages to do so, but even when Debbie is apologizing, she can make it seem like it's not her fault. Pete is too good for her, everyone can see that. I bet Debbie will let James stay at her house now... Haha.

Then we get two of the more comedic moments of the episode. First, Finn & Darren. It's almost pathetic now, isn't it? How long will the show draw this up for laughs? You'd think Finn, who got broken up with by Simon for lies, will manage to not lie and be an adult about this. I'm calling it... I'm on Team Darren. That moment when it was just him and Emma, James and Ross in the kitchen. The most awkward five seconds of my life. Now about those flowers and champagne.. I'll take them if Finn doesn't.

And secondly, resorting David back to uncomfortable David so quick is a bit jarring. I get that Alicia will take her time to heal but let's not make a meal out of her clothes. I call nonsense.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

April 21, 2015- The Vixen and The Sloth

And here I thought that Carly was to replace the Charity slot, when it's looking like she's occupying the Katie threshold. It makes sense I guess, and it certainly makes her less annoying. It's good her web is getting larger, I just hope they don't squander any friendships or relationships they attempt to give Carly before giving her a plot. Also, I think it's way too soon to being calling Vanessa "Nessa". No wonder the woman doesn't care for you.

This Finn and Darren thing went from peaking my interest to annoying me. This rollercoaster of affection Finn has for Darren is way too drastic. It also doesn't help that Darren is being written like a cartoon puppy dog. At least funny matronal Val is back. Without her overdramatic saying, she's like a gay boy's icon. No wonder Finn is so fond of her.

I always like what shows are able to recall past relationships and plots. It was such a joy to see an Edna and Lawrence scene. It was played to perfection- both the writing and performances. There's a glimmer of why I liked Lawrence in this scene that has since disappeared when the Lachlan/Alicia plot developed. I hope the show continues to do drop scenes like these in the future. It's a refreshing callback.

So Robert (with the help of his sidedish Aaron) finally uncovers the truth about Mafia Don and his colors finally come out flying. I'm actually excited about how this will affect Robert & Chrissy- since Robert has plenty of secrets of his own and Chrissy is continued to being pushed to the brink. I want to see where she reaches her breaking point. I don't care about Mafia Don's actions... he's just a prop in this story.

Another revelation is Debbie telling the pub that Emma tried to drown Ross. I sincerely hopes this will be the beginning of the end of Debbie and Pete. I really do. Sure, it's a bad secret... but c'mon, who are they kidding acting so shocked. Half the village have done something much worse than attempted child murder. Right? I kid.

One commentary note I want to make is that is Kate Oates broke or something? Why does so many residents in this village have financial troubles. Carly, Pearl, Mafia Don, Lisa... what's with that?

Monday, April 20, 2015

April 20, 2015- The Pepperoni Bandit

It's ashamed that this Finn & Darren thing is being played for laughs. I was really hoping for something more on the romance side when these two started hitting it off. And now the show is setting up the end of their relationship like a bad sitcom plot, I guess I'll just go along and laugh with it. I do like how the show keeps interjecting various characters into these Finn/Darren scenes and the reactions have always been spot on. Tonight was no different, since Mike Parr always had good comedic timing when called upon.

Mafia Don sure didn't take long into getting Lachlan out of town. I don't know how I feel about it. On one hand, it makes sense for the show to move into that direction- it'll definitely lightened up the load for the Whites in terms of storytelling, but on the other hand, Lachlan is good for the show. You might hate his character, but he's good for the show. He creates interesting conflicts in different canvas across Emmerdale and that has been a dime a dozen.

This Chas/ James thing is beginning to bore me. Is it as simple as a boring male lead in the middle of the storyline? I'm not so sure. There just seems to be nothing truly character developing from all this. It's too heavily plot driven without the theatrics (unless you count the one smash head). This "where does James stay?" is also a little pointless. I'm glad the show didn't let Debbie completely shun Pete off. That would've been even more over the top for that character. Saying all that, can you IMAGINE Aaron babysitting? Those two kids would be moody, depressed creatures after he's done with them.

Should I touch on Lisa and Belle? I think it's best that I don't. Sigh.

Friday, April 17, 2015

April 17, 2015- Crazy Eyes

And there it is, the least sensible thing Chrissy has done in short stay in Emmerdale so far. Kissing her ex-husband's cheek in front of her current husband. Since she hasn't done anything close to that in the past, I'll just chalk this one up as too much Chardonnay. Psychopath Robert is many things, but stupid he's not. Calling Mafia Don on his bluff that he was attacked by people after Lachlan is right up his alley. It's interesting seeing Robert playing the role of the cat instead of the mouse this time. It's just shame that this plot has to include Debbie.

I know, I'm harsh on her. I'm sorry, but I can't help it. Look at what she's wearing for goodness sakes. Shorts with a long coat? Girl, please. Pete, I get it. There are no other single girls in town your age, but c'mon... Leyla is actually pretty awesome. As if she's not insufferable enough, Cain gives her the advice of stop being so nice. Ha. Classic Dingle.

Emma sure has a lot of bark and no bite. For all the lies and manipulation, has she ever thrown a punch? Or does she just resort to playing the victim? She's a crazy lady with crazy eyes. Even Val can see through all that. It's good for James to call off Aaron's arrest. What's not good is that Chas has taken no time at all in her rationale of possibly getting back together. Watch it Cain, it's not like you're not going to be in a similar situation when Charity gets out of jail. Oh, I would LOVE an all out war between the Dingles and the Bartons- mainly because no one in the village would be on the Dingle side. (Sorry, I promise it's my last dig at that clan this week)

I honestly don't care much for whatever Ali and Rachel are fighting about. I'm not entirely sure what it is about anyway. Something about Rachel taking advantage of Sean being in a hospital? What? With Lisa getting Belle an internship at the factory, will all that squeeze Ali and Rachel into deeper financial troubles?

Have a good weekend... I'll be drinking to having drunk Laurel back next week.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

April 16, 2015- A Smash To The Head

Like most Thursdays, a busy day in the village. Let's get to it.

First things first. What is with this defeatist Chas? She actually seems relieved that James slept with Emma. Predictably, Cain and Aaron were more upset than she is. I won't even begin to paint the picture why that is so ironic. So James is kicked out, finally calling Emma out as what she is and what now? Where does this story actually go? I'm curious because this is suddenly Emma's story to tell and that scares me.

I'll say this, it is nice to see the three Barton boys in the same room again and bickering. By far, my favorite set of siblings on the show. It's not so much their individual characters, but how they are so different and yet compliment each other. It's horribly offensive yet hilarious at the same time but Mike Parr's delivery of the line "A gay bloke? On Crutches?" had me in stitches. Another hilarious line tonight? Paddy's "How original." when Aaron tells him about James and Emma.

It's nice to get an update on Sean through Dan and Ali. I liked that character so I hope nothing happens to him so he can be back and add to the younger cast- which is shaping up very nicely. One thing this show is currently excelling at. A non-mental Belle is actually a good character and I can't wait to see her in the middle of some Sharma/Spencer drama- even if Lisa has to be involved.

Another brilliant character (or maybe just actor portrayal) is Lachlan. Thomas Atkinson has been knocking it out of the park with the material. The one scene where you can see the admiration on his face for Mafia Don is so creepingly chilling and vulnerable- sums up Lachlan to a tee. Atkinson is a very good find for the show. I think under another actor, Lachlan would be hated for all sorts of wrong reasons.

So Mafia Don is actually in the mafia!?! Oh Lord. I sincerely despise mafia in non-mafia shows. It never works out the way they intend it to. Somehow I think Robert will be the one that gets to handle that... well, because he's Robert and he needs more drama in his life. Making kissy faces with Aaron in the open, then standing him up is so in line with what he does best- looking out for himself. The build up to all his lies and deceit has been great. I can't wait for the reveal-whenever that might be. I'm excited. Mainly because I adore Chrissy and I can't wait to see how she flourish in her sea of bad men... maybe she should bring Lachlan's headset with her to command duties.

Finally, see you Georgia. How fun at sea.

Okay, I kid... Kerry had the best line tonight... "Vajazzle?"

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

April 15, 2015- The Vegetarian and The Comic

I guess when the drama's not working, you aim for comedy. For some reason, Finn saying he's been a vegetarian for 12 years made me lose it- or it might just be the turtleneck he's sporting. He looked utter ridiculous. It is really nice to see Victoria and Finn together again in the same room given their recent dramas with their respective boyfriends, but I've got a feeling Darren isn't sticking around for long. It's okay, his comics and quinoa will keep him company.

Meanwhile, Finn's one-note parents are in their own mess. I get that James is suppose to be noble, but how does someone go about putting their shirt on after hooking up and lecture about having to do that right time at the same time? Wish the show would give his nobility some layers. Emma, the ever pathological liar, keeps playing her game. It's almost too repetitive at this point. We get it, you want to bone your husband and get back with him. I hope Chas, the only person I like with the word Dingle attached to their name, gets hold of all of this and just move on. She's got a bigger fish to fry- Robert.

Mafia Don (that's what I'm going to call him from now on until he stops the slimeball business) literally gets breakfast in robe in someone's house. Between that and teaching Lachlan how to fool Chrissy to getting what he wants, his motives are starting to become clear. Almost too clear. At least this bother Robert, and we know how Robert behaves when he's bothered. He grabs a rock and follows you. I hope Chrissy gets through to Lawrence about the situation with David and Jacob. It seems like the story needs a little time to breathe before all action is tacked onto it.

Carly and Leyla. Yeah, this will end well. At least they've broadened Carly's canvas.

Even Jai got in on the comedy. I like it when traditionally dramatic characters get to do something fun. And that's all I'm going to say about that.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

April 14, 2015- The Don Enters

Let's add another member to the growing White family. It must be because I'm American, but Donnie has such a thick accent it took me a few seconds to process what he's saying. Either that, or I'm just distracted by his mafia outfit. WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH THAT? Chrissy's world just got more complicated with her ex-husband's arrival and within one episode, all the storyline are already planted. Of course Lachlan will be attached to Don, Lawrence to prefer him over to Robert, Chrissy will keeping juggling and policing the relationships between the men in her life and Robert... oh Robert, as if your dance card for storylines isn't already full- let's bring the ex back in the picture. It's just early snap judgment, but I hope Don gives Robert a run for his money as the new rich, bad boy in town.

Meanwhile, Jacob is ridden with guilt and offers to do wash cars for Rakesh's lawyering skills. Young man needs to get his computer fix and google how much lawyers cost. I'd be disappointed if Alicia decides to keep this quiet- even Jacob knows that thought the crime is different, it's the exact situation Chrissy and Lachlan were in weeks ago.

Emma and James. We've seen this one coming, didn't we? It's already far too predictable how James will react. He's not going to leave Chas and start over with Emma. It's just so out of character- then again, so is kissing Emma. I'm honestly bored by this storyline already. I might be because I don't care for anyone involved. James has always been vanilla in a way that I couldn't root for him, Emma is about as complex as a blank sheet of white paper and Chas, I'm more invested in her take in the Robert/ Aaron saga that I would much rather her character partake in that than deal with this.

Congratulations, Debbie Dingle. You did it. You made me root for Carly. Two brats fighting is utter nonsense but self entitlement is pride always loses with me. Saying that though, take Debbie out of Carly's arc tonight so she becomes as one-note and boring as ever. She said some mean, vile things to Brenda and Bob but there's no complexity there. It's so Emma.

The show is abandoning a lot of good stories so far this week. Where's drunk Laurel? Where's that Kirin/Vanessa/Adam/Victoria business? Where's the one budding romance with Finn & Darren (who got namechecked tonight)? There's always tomorrow.

Monday, April 13, 2015

April 13, 2015- The Italian Job

Emmerdale residents's attempt at comedy were at full swing tonight. Not that it's a particular good or bad thing, but it's certainly a thing. It's certainly nice to see Jimmy again for the time since Nicola's departure, wasn't it? I was glad to see him so much that I didn't even care if it was with Carly. I will even say it made her a little more tolerable. Saying that, the latest in the one note Carly's adventures will most likely cost her new found partner in crime so grief. Though the token nosy neighbor on the phone did had me in stitches for some odd reason. It was so ridiculous.

I'm not sure how the show can fix this Carly problem. It's too easy to say "get rid of her!" without having an attempt to integrate her into the show's canvas. Perhaps that's the problem. She's too individualized in her plot so far. Bob and "Wendy" are all just reactionary characters and have no real supporting status in Carly's quest for.. whatever it is she's in the quest for. Perhaps she'll be less boring if they really pit her with a character that will actually do something, because right now this storyling and re-introduction to Carly is falling really flat.

Talking about scheming, Emma is continuing her expansion in that web of lies and drama now that has engulfed Rhona. I hate that it will be Debbie who gets to save the day, well because it's Debbie Dingle. Will this reenactment of a Three's Company plot between James, Chas and Paddy actually result in anything lasting? I sure hope not. Because Chas and Paddy will always be good friends no matter what- even if Aaron is not in the picture. I guess it'll just take some drama into getting there.

Even Cain got in on the comedy tonight! Sort of.

Sam's idea of proving his loyalties to Rachel got him a punch in the face by Cain. It was actually quite hilarious seeing Cain not wanting to get in on the drama but did so anyway. Even I know Cain is way too good to get involved with this petty Sam and Rachel business. The Dingles are really messed up people.

I think Kerry might be my spirit animal on the show. To be her for one day and just watch all that go down. What must she think of the unnecessary drama her friend, the village idiot, is putting up?

The real drama tonight involved David and Alicia. I'm still glued to how this is unfolding. David getting arrested for covering for Jacob will tie Alicia's hands together as much as Lachlan has Chrissy's hands tied up. I hope for the show's sake that they don't flip Alicia or Chrissy's personalities for the sake of convenient storytelling. It will be interesting to see how Chrissy does react once her ex-husband comes back into the picture.

Friday, April 10, 2015

April 10, 2015- The World's Fastest Half Marathon

There must be something in the training program in the village of Emmerdale because the world's fastest runners reside there. I don't believe for one second anyone besides Chas trained for that quickie- at least Emma owned up to it. I hope somebody told Adam you don't punch people in marathon before it started because during his warm ups, he looked like he was ready to get into a boxing match. Can you imagine if Aaron wasn't injured and actually ran the race? He would've finished before I even finish this recap.

I'm not a fan of Debbie. Never have been. Maybe a little when Charity pitted an abortion on her, but even then it was just a lesser of two evils. She's always a lesser of two evils given who her parents are. Is her life that boring now that she's picking fights with her boyfriend's mom? She's right in the sense that Emma is probably chasing after James. She did the right now in telling Chas. Does she not remember what happened to Katie? This is almost too familiar. But it's okay. This will end well for Debbie- because everything always end well for the Dingles. It's something I learned pretty quickly since I started watching this show. The Dingles will always win eventually.

Perhaps one person who's trying to make the insufferable Dingles pay dividend is Rachel. A very out of character Rachel. I'm not sure what she wants out of this. Sam? Really? THAT guy? There's plenty of blokes in the village Rachel. Getting the bad side of the Dingles is not worth it. I'm not liking this sudden turn of writing for Rachel. She's replacing Tracey's antics and it's just not true to her character.  I hope she just quickly apologizes and moves on. I don't know if I hate anything more in soaps than sudden character deterioration.

Alicia, see what happens when you take away a preteen's internet? Their brains start to think and thinking is almost never good for kids Jacob's age. He smashes thing. Thinking is bad. Mind numbing internet keeps kids sane. I wonder how this new revelation will change the situation between Alicia and Chrissy. These two women who wants to do nothing but good, noble things but keeps getting tested by the actions from the ones they love. I've said it before, but I hope those two ladies become best friends down the line when all this mess is over.

I hate being socially critical of television content, but why do they always resort to catty, manipulative women for drama? And why so many of them? Since Charity was sent to jail, there has been more than enough substitutes thrown at us to replace her personalities. Carly, Emma, a revamped Rachel and this version of Debbie who actually made me root for Emma! EMMA! I can't root for Emma!

I'm not even going to bother touching on Rishi and Georgia today, though I do appreciate that one scene between David and Priya.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

April 9, 2015- The Big Bad Internet

I feel for Alicia. I really do. All she wanted was Lachlan to own up to what he did. Sure, punishment would be icing, but all she wanted was for the boy with the hat to feel remorse. But instead, we see Lachlan deliver one of the most chilling lines I've heard on the show in quite some time. It was downright terrifying. Flustered with being called a bitch, Alicia goes to blame the one thing that she believes has ruined her and started all this mess- the internet. THE INTERNET! It's as if she pulled a Zoolander and thought the bad people lived inside the laptop and the only way to get rid of it is to smash it. Good luck with that one, David because I certainly won't know how to sensitively reason with her in this situation.

I'd be curious to see Alicia spiral a little from the latest development. I think there will be some potentially good drama there, but let's not keep this blame the internet story thing any longer than tonight. Poor Jacob needs his Facebook.

Oh Robert. You're so messed up that you even hired an assassin that looks like your secret lover. That's some new level of narcissist. Between trying to quiet Chas (and now Paddy) about his affair with Aaron and being playing the role of a supporting husband to Chrissy, this guy is about to explode.

I can barely believe what I'm seeing when Aaron confessed to his mother and Paddy that Robert is the one giving him hope to go on. Is that his sick version of fighting for his man? I was thrown for a loop because we've never really seen Aaron fight for any relationship before. I'm not a shipper for Robron but I can't deny the chemistry between Ryan Hawley and Danny Miller when they're in a room together. It's electrifying, but a lot of things would have to happen if those two ever end up together out in the open- like both of them going through some psychiatric counseling. Boys be messed up in the head.

Was there a sadder moment tonight than seeing Rishi holding a glass of red wine on the dark, empty factory floor? I almost felt bad. Almost. I'm just relieved Georgia said it out in the open. Hopefully this storyline will be over. Which bring me to the point of WHERE'S THE ROMANCE?

Everything in village is so grim lately. With the people trying to murder each other, the drinking problems, the sexual assaults... there seems to be a lack of romance in the air. Now that they turned Rishi into a sad sap and playing criminally playing Finn & Darren's budding romance mostly offscreen, there's little love to found in the village.

Finally, the Dingles. They really are the Slytherin of Emmerdale, aren't they? They're mean, miserable people who garner respect by intimidation. First, with Sam and Lisa over Rachel and now this newly developed curiosity Debbie has of Emma's intention. I'm just as curious what Emma is upto, but does Debbie have to be one to instigate this? I can only handle so much self righteousness in one day. I am not looking forward to it. Moira makes more sense in that role, given the history. Heck, even Pete would be more fit... for Pete's sake (sorry, couldn't resist).

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

April 8, 2015- Silent Aaron and his Mama Bear

My first post!

A little preface. I'm new to this television recap business. I've only seen it on the world wide web. From what I gather, I'm suppose to be snarky and clever. I'll let you be the judge of that. Also, I've been watching the Dales (is that what the Brits call it?) for a couple of years now. Not sure why's that important and also not sure why this preface is this long. On to the episode I go...

Okay. First question. Why does Aaron love Robert? I simply don't get it. Sure, he's a handsome guy.  From how (and more important, WHEN!?!?) did Aaron's fling with Robert turn into love? Is my favorite Emmerdale gay (sorry, Finn) that much of a glutton for punishment that he makes himself fall in love with someone like Robert Sudgen? I guess it's fair to also ask why Robert loves Aaron, but that one is simple. HE IS A PSYCHOPATH. Aaron's going to need to run faster and farther into those woods if he's ever going to escape.

I do love this storyline though. There's always so much at stake every time Robert is onscreen. With Chas, with Chrissy (who I am A HUGE FAN of), with Andy.... There's always something there and almost never a throw away scene when he shows up. It just sets up the inevitable as Chas said tonight "the whole lot crashing down" around him. I also love how much bad things the show is giving Robert to do in his very short return to town. It's amazing how much one character can do and cause so much trouble in so many corners. Robert's a complex man... OMG. I get it, I'm falling for him now. I best get my sneakers and start running with Aaron as well. Except I'll be running behind him. The view's better.

I'll admit. When Laurel's alcoholism storyline started months ago, I wasn't keen on it. In fact, I think I made an audible groan when the show hinted at the storyline. But boy, has it taken a great turn. Most likely due to Charlotte Bellamy's performance as Laurel. This lady is slaying her scenes. The other day in a scene where Ashley discover Laurel has broken into the hall and Laurel lies (tries anyway) herself out of it, I wanted to drink to Bellamy's performance. Too soon? I'll be here all week. This little getaway with Marlon can't end well. And it shouldn't. I wonder when the turning point for Laurel will be, but I can't imagine it getting any better just yet.

What's the deal with Emma. I can't get a read on her. What is her "motivation"? Does she want James back? Does she just want her old life back? You know, before the whole killing baby Ross thing. Is she here just to stick to Moira (oh, what happened to you BTW. You were so pleasant once upon a time). Whatever she's doing, it seems she has a plan because no single mother who lives 2 of her sons gets out of the shower looking like that to sign divorce papers. NO ONE. I almost fear what she'd wear to Sunday brunch or to the bus stop.

I'm dreading it, but here it is. Carly, or should I say Charity 2.0? Soap fans first complaints about new character seems to be "they're bad", "they're the worst"... I don't mind that. In fact, I encourage that. That's what makes them interesting. Just don't be boring. Carly is boring me. I mean, I'd rather watch another round of Rishi flirting with Georgia than watch Carly right now. All her moves are so predictable. Hopefully, now that she's staying in town, she'll get to do more interesting things. Like Ross.

I'll go ahead and say it, I like the White Family. It surprised me too. They're a bunch of nut jobs living at the top of the hill- literally. Lachlan will get what's coming to him, Lawrence has a lot of moral/loyalty issues (but given what he's been though, yeah... ) and of course, Robert. But I love Chrissy. She's actually human. She makes mistakes and owns up to them. She does what she believes is right even when it hurts so much. Something no one does in town, maybe besides Alicia. It's refreshing. It's nice. I hope her and Alicia actually become good friends after all of this ordeal. They're very similar and they're good people.

Tomorrow should be good. Thursdays in Emmerdale always seem more exciting and dramatic.