Now that's Finn's 2-week arc is over, it's time a new 2-week arc for someone else. This time, it's Tracy & Jimmy. It'll be brief, played for laughs and nothing will come of it unless Jimmy starts shacking up with Tracy (please, dear god, no). It'll sure be painful this show has never given Tracy anything worth while to do besides that brief romance with Andy when we saw a little bit of emotion from her besides aloof. Yes, I've judged on this based on one day of story but c'mon... who are we kidding?
Chrissy managed to kick Robert out of the house. I'm wondering about many things from this. First, what will Chrissy tell Lawrence about Robert's sudden departure? Second, having Robert and Aaron (who is still in crutches!?!?!) under the same roof will sure make things interesting- especially for Chas. Third, will Robert smooth talk his way back to Chrissy? This is by far the best storyline the show has going right now now that the Alicia/Lachlan arc is fading out. Let's hope it carries the weight until something else juicy comes along.
Mopey Ross is now hung up on Debbie? Is her vagina made of gold? I don't get it. I simply don't. But leave it to Emma to meddle. After this, she'll have interfered with all the Barton men's love lives.... save for Adam. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.
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