Monday, April 20, 2015

April 20, 2015- The Pepperoni Bandit

It's ashamed that this Finn & Darren thing is being played for laughs. I was really hoping for something more on the romance side when these two started hitting it off. And now the show is setting up the end of their relationship like a bad sitcom plot, I guess I'll just go along and laugh with it. I do like how the show keeps interjecting various characters into these Finn/Darren scenes and the reactions have always been spot on. Tonight was no different, since Mike Parr always had good comedic timing when called upon.

Mafia Don sure didn't take long into getting Lachlan out of town. I don't know how I feel about it. On one hand, it makes sense for the show to move into that direction- it'll definitely lightened up the load for the Whites in terms of storytelling, but on the other hand, Lachlan is good for the show. You might hate his character, but he's good for the show. He creates interesting conflicts in different canvas across Emmerdale and that has been a dime a dozen.

This Chas/ James thing is beginning to bore me. Is it as simple as a boring male lead in the middle of the storyline? I'm not so sure. There just seems to be nothing truly character developing from all this. It's too heavily plot driven without the theatrics (unless you count the one smash head). This "where does James stay?" is also a little pointless. I'm glad the show didn't let Debbie completely shun Pete off. That would've been even more over the top for that character. Saying all that, can you IMAGINE Aaron babysitting? Those two kids would be moody, depressed creatures after he's done with them.

Should I touch on Lisa and Belle? I think it's best that I don't. Sigh.

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