I feel for Alicia. I really do. All she wanted was Lachlan to own up to what he did. Sure, punishment would be icing, but all she wanted was for the boy with the hat to feel remorse. But instead, we see Lachlan deliver one of the most chilling lines I've heard on the show in quite some time. It was downright terrifying. Flustered with being called a bitch, Alicia goes to blame the one thing that she believes has ruined her and started all this mess- the internet. THE INTERNET! It's as if she pulled a Zoolander and thought the bad people lived inside the laptop and the only way to get rid of it is to smash it. Good luck with that one, David because I certainly won't know how to sensitively reason with her in this situation.
I'd be curious to see Alicia spiral a little from the latest development. I think there will be some potentially good drama there, but let's not keep this blame the internet story thing any longer than tonight. Poor Jacob needs his Facebook.
Oh Robert. You're so messed up that you even hired an assassin that looks like your secret lover. That's some new level of narcissist. Between trying to quiet Chas (and now Paddy) about his affair with Aaron and being playing the role of a supporting husband to Chrissy, this guy is about to explode.
I can barely believe what I'm seeing when Aaron confessed to his mother and Paddy that Robert is the one giving him hope to go on. Is that his sick version of fighting for his man? I was thrown for a loop because we've never really seen Aaron fight for any relationship before. I'm not a shipper for Robron but I can't deny the chemistry between Ryan Hawley and Danny Miller when they're in a room together. It's electrifying, but a lot of things would have to happen if those two ever end up together out in the open- like both of them going through some psychiatric counseling. Boys be messed up in the head.
Was there a sadder moment tonight than seeing Rishi holding a glass of red wine on the dark, empty factory floor? I almost felt bad. Almost. I'm just relieved Georgia said it out in the open. Hopefully this storyline will be over. Which bring me to the point of WHERE'S THE ROMANCE?
Everything in village is so grim lately. With the people trying to murder each other, the drinking problems, the sexual assaults... there seems to be a lack of romance in the air. Now that they turned Rishi into a sad sap and playing criminally playing Finn & Darren's budding romance mostly offscreen, there's little love to found in the village.
Finally, the Dingles. They really are the Slytherin of Emmerdale, aren't they? They're mean, miserable people who garner respect by intimidation. First, with Sam and Lisa over Rachel and now this newly developed curiosity Debbie has of Emma's intention. I'm just as curious what Emma is upto, but does Debbie have to be one to instigate this? I can only handle so much self righteousness in one day. I am not looking forward to it. Moira makes more sense in that role, given the history. Heck, even Pete would be more fit... for Pete's sake (sorry, couldn't resist).
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